Tuesday, March 4, 2008

At what age should a child start seeing a Pediatrician? I know a lady whose kid is 3 and never sees one.

At what age should a child start seeing a Pediatrician? I know a lady whose kid is 3 and never sees one.?
The child isn't neglected per say, but always seems to be sick. I just feel that the child would stay in much better health if the mother of the child would put forth the effort to get her child a regular Pediatrician that could help oversee the child's general health issues. Instead, the mother relies on the ER every time her child is sick. While the ER is good, they do not specialize in Pediatric care. Am I being paranoid or shouldn't a child at the age of 3 have a regular Pediatrician for their care and wellbeing?
Other - General Health Care - 4 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your child should see a pediatrician from birth. Usually, they go for checkups pretty routinely, from 3 weeks old on. There's vaccinations that they should be given also. Going to the emergency room every time a child is sick is like shutting the barn door once the horse is out. Prevention for anything is best. She should get a pediatrician immediately.
2 :
A child is supposed to see a pediatrician the moment he/she is born. WHat about when the child was a baby? Did the child have all his/her shots? Sounds like neglect to me!
3 :
call child protective services, any mom should know that a child should be seen by a pediatrition at least one a year. Especially if the child is sick a lot.
4 :
Sure it is ideal for everyone to have a regular doc... but maybe she has financial/insurance issues which prevent her from being able to do so. If you're asking a message board, I suspect you don't know her whole situation. Do NOT call protective services like previous post suggested, they often do more harm than good. If anything, gently let her know you are concerned for the child and ask if there is something you can do to help. As for vaccinations there is much debate as to how effective they really are versus the risk of side effects. There are good arguments on both sides and you should never assume any government mandate is good or true until you do your own research. What some see as neglect, others see as an act of conscience.

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